Birth Unafraid
Birth Unafraid 〰
What is HypnoBirthing®
HypnoBirthing® International - The Mongan Method is a complete childbirth education course that teaches you, along with your birth companion the art and joy of experiencing birth in a more comfortable, calm, relaxing manner.
You will learn how to release fear and trust your body’s ability to birth instinctively. As well as how to call upon your body’s own natural relaxing endorphins and therefore lessen, or even eliminate, discomfort and the need for medical interventions.
When you are properly prepared for childbirth and when the mind and body are in harmony, nature is free to function in the same well-designed manner it does with all mothers in nature.
Protect Your Baby, Empower Yourself!
Advantages of HypnoBirthing®
Teaches you to access deep levels of relaxation to eliminate the fear that causes tension and pain.
Work alongside your birthing team to achieve the birth experience you desire!
Shortens the first phase of birth by several hours.
Leaves you feeling alert, fresh and awake with energy during your labour.
Reduces the need for an episiotomy.
Empowers you to achieve a gentle, calm birth for yourself and your baby, whatever turn your birthing takes.
Teaches you breathing techniques that allows you to breathe your baby into the word without forced pushing.
Allows you and your partner to approach birth and parenting informed and empowered!
Have the birthing experience you’ve dreamt of, bringing your baby into a calm and relaxing environment!
Course Details
Classes offered virtually
The ideal time to attend a HypnoBirthing® course is between 20 and 35 weeks of your pregnancy
The course is conducted in 5 - 2.5 hour hour sessions
You will receive the HypnoBirthing® Book and relaxation recording by Marie Mongan (founder of HypnoBirthing®). As well as a digital copy of the class handbook, including relaxation scripts and birth preferences templates
Enrollment includes a spot for the birthing person and their chosen birth companion
Group classes $450/couple + HST*
Private classes available
Course offered in partnership with Shanti Psychotherapy
Upcoming Sessions
Classes offered virtually. Join from the comfort of your own home!
Summer Session:
Wednesday July 3rd, 10th, 17th, 24th, 31st - 6-8:30pm
Fall Session:
Wednesday September 4th, 11th, 18th, 25th, Oct 2nd - 6-8:30pm
Winter Session:
Wednesday Nov 6th, 13th, 20th, 27th, Dec 4th - 6-8:30pm
Look for the Gold Seal! The gold Hypnobirthing® emblem is a sign of both credibility and professionalism for Educators internationally. This emblem is only given to those Educators who have pushed themselves to successfully complete the extensive HypnoBirthing® certification classes and training.